
Virtual Office in the Philippines: A New and Great Way To Conduct Business

It was not so long ago when if you mention “virtual office,” you were most likely met with blank or even bewildered stares. Some may even ask if it’s similar to virtual reality where you need to wear those kooky headsets just so you can talk to your boss even while you’re at home and […]

Coworking Spaces: What Makes Them Great?

Coworking spaces might seem to be a fairly new concept, bolstered no doubt by the fact that a lot of companies have embraced it as a result of the hybrid work setup brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Coworking is close to being three decades old now, and believe it or not, the idea was […]

Face-to-Face vs. Virtual Meetings: The Good and the Bad

The movie “Back to the Future Part II,” which was released in 1989, depicted what the future would be like in 2015. Uncannily, it correctly predicted several technological advancements that we have had around the same times such as wearable technology, drones for gathering news, flat-screen TVs mounted on the wall, tablet computers, animated billboards, […]

Hiring Process Tips: Ensuring You Get the Right Person for the Job

A company will always be only as good as its human effort. And we’re not talking about upper management or the C-suite only but the regular employees or what is known as the rank and file as well. There have been times when brilliant employees compensate for the inadequacies of their supervisor or manager—not ideal, […]

The Complete Guide to Employee Benefits in the Philippines

The good news: The employment rate in the Philippines in January 2022 has increased to 93.6% from 91.2% in the same period last year, according to a Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) survey. This means a total of 43.02 million Filipinos have jobs at the start of the New Year, up by 1.77 million from 41.25 […]

How To Create a Hybrid Workplace for a Hybrid Workforce

The dynamics of today’s workforce have changed as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, more than ever, people expect choice—in the way they work and the devices they use to get their jobs done.  Modern workplaces must be able to adapt, develop new ways of working, and harness new technologies to increase productivity […]

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