
Coworking as Part of a Job Offer for a Remote Team

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled the world to work from home and, consequently, consider remote work as the new norm. The term “remote work” grew synonymous with “coworking” and coworking spaces, especially for freelancers and remote workers. Here, they could enjoy the amenities of a traditional office but with the flexibility of a work-from-home setup. Although […]

Hiring Process Tips: Ensuring You Get the Right Person for the Job

A company will always be only as good as its human effort. And we’re not talking about upper management or the C-suite only but the regular employees or what is known as the rank and file as well. There have been times when brilliant employees compensate for the inadequacies of their supervisor or manager—not ideal, […]

The Complete Guide to Employee Benefits in the Philippines

The good news: The employment rate in the Philippines in January 2022 has increased to 93.6% from 91.2% in the same period last year, according to a Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) survey. This means a total of 43.02 million Filipinos have jobs at the start of the New Year, up by 1.77 million from 41.25 […]

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