
10 Book Recommendations for Remote Work

Remote work has been a boon and a bane for employers throughout the pandemic. Though many companies have been able to save on office maintenance, it’s also proven difficult to foster a culture of camaraderie among employees and enforce proper work-life boundaries among them.

Fortunately, remote work has also seen the rise of coworking spaces that bridge the gap between convenience for workers and productivity while still promoting company culture. Weremote, for example, has become the go-to coworking and flex space operator because it’s more than just a space for remote workers. It’s actually a place that nurtures a community of like-minded people. It also offers opportunities for networking and collaboration.

If you think remote work is more of a challenge rather than an opportunity, though, check out our list of book recommendations below. These will help you gain a new perspective on this increasingly common mode of work.

10 Book Recommendations for Remote Work

Many books have been written about remote work. However, only a few were able to capture the intricacies of virtual workspaces from the point of view of an employer. Read on to find out which books might help you and your business become more comfortable with the idea of remote work at a coworking space.

1. “Remote: Office Not Required” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

This bestseller is a must-read for employers who have yet to implement a remote work policy for their business. The authors list several arguments against remote work. They then carefully refute each one, convincing companies still on the fence about making the switch from traditional offices. Much of the advice Fried and Hansson provide has to do with collaboration when working remotely. Also, how workers can overcome common side effects of working apart such as loneliness, virtual conflicts, and burnout.

2. “Surviving Remote Work” by Sharon Koifman

Koifman wrote this after reflecting on his (yes, he’s a he) two decades of experience managing and leading remote teams. The book contains lessons on remote leadership, strategies employers can use to maximize their teams’ productivity, and ways to foster lasting connections among employees. One of the tips he shares with managers is to place importance on company values. This is done by adhering to an approachable management style. It can be more difficult to build strong bonds between colleagues in an out-of-office setting. However, this doesn’t mean you need to rule with an iron fist. Give your employees space to work, and they’ll produce results even without you micromanaging.

3. “Thinking Remote: Inspiration for Leaders of Distributed Teams” by Pilar Orti and Maya Middlemiss

This is the perfect guidebook for employers at every stage of their remote work experience. Orti and Middlemiss have compiled a list of issues team leaders might face and compressed them into 13 chapters. They discuss everything from the use of technology and improved workflow to the importance of showing emotion when managing a team. If you’ve ever wondered about how to gauge your employees’ output or how to keep your team happy, give this book a read.

4. “Work Together Anywhere” by Lisette Sutherland

Divided into four parts, this book covers everything you need to know about remote work. What it is, how your employees could work remotely, how you could transition your business to a remote work environment, and what you need to do to successfully manage a remote team. Sutherland’s book views remote work as a game-changer and a win-win situation for both employers and employees.

5. “HBR Guide to Remote Work” by The Harvard Business Review

The Harvard Business Review Press has published numerous practical how-to’s such as how businesses should coach employees and how people can think strategically. So it’s no surprise they eventually wrote a book about remote work. This thorough guide is a compilation of various authors’ advice on working effectively, overcoming remote work challenges, keeping a remote team emotionally and mentally healthy, scheduling meetings, managing remote companies, and solving any other problems one would encounter along the way.

6. “Leading from Anywhere: The Essential Guide to Managing Remote Teams” by David Burkus

This is a guidebook that emphasizes how necessary remote work is in this day and age. It also focuses on how managers need to tackle the challenges head-on to create a successful remote work environment. The book covers everything from hiring remote workers to tracking employee productivity. Also, how to ensure all employees have equal access to technology necessary for their work.

7. “The Holloway Guide to Remote Work” by Juan Pablo Buriticá, Katie Womersley, and contributing authors

This in-depth manual came from two experienced leaders of remote teams. Other experts in the field then chimed in. It includes recommendations for every aspect of remote work. From hiring and onboarding to compensation and the creation of a healthy company culture. Every piece of advice included in the book is backed by data or case studies.

8. “Influencing Virtual Teams: 17 Tactics That Get Things Done With Your Remote Employees” by Hassan Osman

This is a psychology-based manual to help remote managers set their teams up for success. Osman, who has worked in the virtual management field for around a decade, discusses hard topics such as deadlines and even the concept of trust. He argues that without trust, managers become micromanagers, resulting in team-wide burnout. While other guidebooks cover the logistics of remote work, this manual emphasizes the emotional and mental aspects of working in a virtual environment.

9. “Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere” by Tsedal Neeley

Written by a Harvard Business School professor and longlisted for the 2021 Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of the Year, “Remote Work Revolution” is a masterclass in building and maintaining a hybrid work environment. The guide is built around some of the questions Neely is most often asked. This includes how remote workers can trust coworkers they rarely see. Also, if a team can truly succeed working remotely, and how managers can be effective virtual leaders.

10. “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport

This is a refreshing take on today’s workplace–whether that’s your home, an office, or a coworking space. Newport offers several ways you and your remote workers can achieve maximum productivity without burning out. The first half of the book deals with the concept of deep work. The second half provides strategies for focus such as the journalistic approach, which encourages people to accomplish deep work only when they have free time.

Succeed Remotely

What all these authors seem to agree on is that employers need to keep in touch with their teams and understand where they stand on remote work. If a home setup isn’t working out for your remote employees, consider renting a meeting room or a few desks for them at a coworking space.

Weremote has several coworking branches across Metro Manila. Allowing your team to use these spaces either every day or whenever they’re free can help build trust among your employees and encourage productivity. Accomplish your work, your way.

Weremote stands as a community where professionals and businesses thrive, offering a dynamic environment for growth. As the coworking brand of Wrkspace Office Management and Solutions Inc., Weremote continues to foster professional development and build vibrant communities. Weremote is a portfolio company of AHG Lab, the largest independent venture builder in the Philippines.

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