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Is Hybrid And Remote Work The Future? | Weremote Philippines


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Is Hybrid And Remote Work The Future? Are You Ready For The Post-Pandemic Life?

Is Hybrid And Remote Work The Future? Are You Ready For The Post-Pandemic Life?

Hybrid Work and Remote Work; an article that represents both sides of a coin. This article focuses on the future outlook of working from home, flexible working arrangements, how it is an impactful innovation, how it makes our jobs and lives easier, challenges encountered, and solutions to flexible remote working by the end of the article.

I read a post on Reddit about a CEO emailing all his 200 employees a memo that they need to start going back to work next year and how 2 brave souls replied with a simple “No.”

bearded man looking outside his house through a glass sliding door while working remotely on his laptop

In this article, we will discuss and reflect on the endless possibilities and present challenges of hybrid and remote work on how they will affect the majority of our life, and how businesses and the corporate world will soon function.   

Put your reading glasses on, prepare your cup of tea or coffee, sit back and relax as we dive into reading this article.

A sunny afternoon, staring at my computer screen in front of me, while I take a sip of my cup of hot coffee beside me as I brainstorm what I ought to type in this informative piece of work I have to do. As I gently lean back towards my chair, sent back to the physical space where I am working, I slowly realize that I am working at home, a completely different place and environment compared to an office. 

I instantly remembered that I am working a few kilometers away from our office, taking part in the new normal, and currently participating in remote work. While writing this, I suddenly paused and reflected, hey, why is this not a thing before? Rather than going to the office and completely wasting my time doing stuff that I can instantly finish from working at home?

Businesses During The Pandemic

a crowd of asian men and women professionals, students, and businessmen crossing a pedestrian lane

The whole world was greatly shaken by the Coronavirus Outbreak in early 2020, delivering fear and doubt. Not only did we face substantial casualty losses in economic and business activity, but most importantly, it also led to a fatal health crisis, significant loss of human life, and unprecedented public health challenges.

It infinitely affected and changed every company, industry, and any business that exists. Literally, no individual, no organization, no business, startup, or well-established enterprises were able to prepare for the unforeseen crisis that the pandemic has caused to us. Without the movement and operation of work in an office or business in the whole country, economic pause, or worst-case scenario, plunging into an economic recession is most likely. 

The popularity and relevance of the term social distancing greatly influenced our daily routine, jobs, and how we functioned in society. Even the slightest groove like going for a jog, shopping for groceries, buying coffee at your favorite coffee shop, dining out with your loved ones, and hanging out with friends. 

The majority of work and business operations have implemented Hybrid, Remote Work Jobs and operated only with skeletal workforces that adapted to the new normal setting to prevent, limit, and reduce the spread of the deadly COVID-19 disease. A new normal resulting in an economic crisis, an increase in the unemployment rate, and several businesses closing their doors. 

The pandemic has forced a vast majority of employees, human resources, and business organizations to compensate with the shift to the new normal and to challenge limited functionalities of the workforce brought by the pandemic which led to an unexpected experiment of flexible working practices.

Definition of Remote Work

Your curiosity probably led you into reading this article while wondering about the presumed Future of Work? Well, here it is. In this section of the article, you will be able to fully understand, compare, contrast and learn the benefits of Hybrid work, and Remote Work. 

Remote Work

Differently, Remote Working is not far from similar compared to Hybrid Working. Remote work offers nearly the same advantages as Hybrid Working for employees wanting to station themselves away from the traditional 9 to 5 office setting. 

With Remote Work, you are fully operating from your home, personal office, or in a working space, amping up your productivity, working at your own time, and working at your own pace and comfort. 

Working remotely in a Coworking Space like Weremote can give you more advantages compared to ordinary Hybrid and Remote Working advantages. Meeting like-minded individuals, collaboration opportunities, extensive community connection, exposure to make yourself known, and build lifetime relationships in the coworking spaces.

Definition of Hybrid Work

Hybrid Work

Hybrid Work is a flexible approach to working that enables employees to choose their time when they prefer to work in their office or working remotely, usually at their home, or in a working space. 

A cost-efficient, manageable, practical, and productive effective solution for employers that faces resource and production challenges. 

On the other hand, employees get to take advantage of doubled productivity, enhanced focus, a healthy work-life balance, and increased capacity to accommodate the responsibilities in the household. Which equally contributes to effective time management, an increase in savings, removing commute as a factor of daily tasks.

A Game-changing Solution That Made Our Work And Life Easier.

Since nearly two years have gone by, we have gradually adapted and submitted to new office systems and work operations without being aware. Along with this innovation, an upsoar of popularity and demand in Hybrid, Remote Work, and technology-based human resource management such as online interviews, online recruiting, and online work is growing and carried out. 

In the past months, we have learned and discovered more ways of getting our job done. The exploration and realization of innovative approaches towards working has ultimately encouraged us to shape a new form of efficiency, productivity, and management outside the traditional 9 to 5 office setting, in the comfort of our own time, pace, and environment.

Working From Home Is The Future

It is evident that everyone around the world is slowly accepting and giving in to flexible work. Employers and Businesses allow their employees to work remotely in any corner of the world, even after the pandemic.

Presented below is a data-based research and experiment made by Gartner Research Firm regarding Remote Work and Human Resource Management through business organizations and HR Professionals posted by Human Resource Executive in an article on their website.

82% of business directors say their organizations plan to allow employees to work remotely even after the COVID-19 pandemic. (47%) say they are working remotely full-time going forward. 30% of 385 HR leaders said they would allow their employees to work remotely indefinitely.”

This data alone suggests that we are currently leaning towards the future outlook of Hybrid and Remote Work. It supports optimistic expectations and will continuously arise in demand and implementation even in post-pandemic scenarios. 

Experts suggest that there will be a lot to figure out in the new working world. As a result, 61% of respondents said they have executed more frequent check-ins among employees and managers.”

Hybrid and Remote Work jobs are still fresh and young, although not new in Human Resource Management and as a whole. Alongside the rapid increase and growth in the implementation of both work styles, it expedites the trial-and-error process to comprehend and eliminate the challenges currently faced by employees, professionals, HR Managers, and Organizations.

The Pros and Cons

When we pick up one end of the stick, we pick up the other end. Here is a list of Pros and Cons to help you break down and evaluate the pros and cons between them:

For Employees:



  • Increased Productivity
  • Flexible Working
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Healthy Work-Life Balance
  • Fewer expenses
  • Less exposure to COVID-19
  • Better mental health
  • More time with family and friends


  • Tendencies to burnout quickly
  • Disconnected with co-workers
  • Increased loneliness

For Employers:


  • Fewer expenses
  • Acquire more talents in different locations
  • Technology-based HR Management solutions
  • Technology-based payroll and time-tracker.
  • More access to recruitment platforms


  • Needs more training management for hybrid and remote workers
  • Tendency to micromanage employees
  • Meticulous in team handling to ensure quality cohesiveness
  • Challenges with preserving team dynamic and well-connected

Stance On Working From Home In The Philippines

The Philippines also adapted and accepted hybrid work and remote work.

The Philippines is not an exemption from the crisis that the pandemic has inflicted, the country also suffered significant economic loss, which led to a shrinkage in GDP, loss of employment, and a decline in business activity. 

The rise of popularity of Work from home jobs in the Philippines is also relevant. (Personally, I am also stationed at my home, working remotely, writing, and researching about this article.) Although we hold a different culture and experience when it comes to working, the advantages of Hybrid and Remote Work are not incomparable to the worldwide standard.

You have probably searched for jobs throughout the pandemic that offered Hybrid or Remote Work setup, or you may even remember a handful of people who adapted to Hybrid and Remote Work jobs. That simply proves that we are also adapting and an evident rise in the demand into flexible working. 

A Perspective from a Businessman

Carlo Silva, a Filipino E-commerce enthusiast, Visionary, Multi-Venture Businessman, and Founder of Weremote, shared a few words on his thoughts towards Hybrid and Remote Work.

“I believe that companies will still need offices, working 100% remotely is not for all industries and employees need to get out of the house once in a while. Having a change of environment can help with focus, creativity, and productivity. For companies trying to adapt to the new normal, the best solution is a hybrid workspace solution and Weremote is leading the way for hybrid workspace solutions in the Philippines!”

From the words of a multi-venture businessman, Carlo certainly believes that some companies are still better with functioning offices, and working 100% remotely is not for all industries. The sudden shift in remote work has not yet enabled companies to look into the possibilities in adapting to it. 

An innovation that came from Carlo’s vision to provide the best solution for companies trying to adapt to the new normal is Weremote, a venture that is leading the way in the flexible workspaces solutions in the Philippines to pave the way for companies opting into hybrid/remote work.

Challenges of Hybrid and Remote Work in the Philippines

In an Article by Inquirer, Cisco discussed the probable solutions to challenges that the new model of work is currently facing.

(Cisco, leading in IT and Networking worldwide based in San Jose California, held a series of webinars together with The Wallace Business Forum that addressed the changes in the workplace.)

“For hybrid work solutions to be effective, they must be: inclusive, flexible, supportive, secure and well-managed .To adapt in the hybrid world, companies need to invest in appropriate technology so that the workforce can function efficiently and effectively.”

Cisco has laid out the potential answers and practical standards for Hybrid and Remote Work that possibly produce increased efficiency, stretching out to the farthest potential for Hybrid and Remote work settings while preserving the quality assurance of employees and without compromising the employers.

The Pros and Cons

As we have already discussed earlier in the article, we have different cultures and experiences when it comes to working remotely. In this section, you will recognize the similarities and differences of our cultures compared to international experiences.


  • Fewer Expenses
  • Productivity
  • Balance work and household responsibilities
  • Spend more time with family members
  • Less exposure to COVID-19
  • No more constant battle with congested traffic
  • Healthy work-life balance


  • Unequal experiences depending on workspace environment
  • Hardware Technicalities such as:

Stable internet connectivity

Proper work equipment (Computer)

  • Not everyone has the same opportunity for a dedicated workspace at home.
  • Lack of investment towards appropriate technology
  • Tendencies to burnout quickly
  • Can develop division between co-workers

How Weremote Eliminates the Challenges of Hybrid Work and Remote Work in the Philippines

coworking reception at weremote ortigas business registration

As promised at the beginning of the article, not only do you learn about Hybrid and Remote Work, you will also discover what we have to offer to unravel, alleviate and help with the new working models.

Weremote can provide businesses and employers an easier transition from traditional office to hybrid work and remote work while we handle their demands for collaborative spaces for your employees. 

Weremote offers a variety of Coworking Spaces plans for hybrid workers which businesses can choose from. Our services support flexible plans to cater to employees on the days they only need to, whenever they feel like it.

Our spaces are also perfect for employers with remote work employees that are looking for a dedicated space for them to work free of distraction to more focused working.

Sure, working at home seems fun since being posted at home equates to comfort, getting to eat anytime you want while working, longer slacking hours, and basically doing anything you want. Working at home is not the practical solution for a productive space. A home is a place of comfort, relaxation, and peace of mind. 

In the long run, you start to get tired, feel a bit lonely, and even want to change your routine since all of these factors lead to quicker burnouts.

Time is fleeting quicker than we anticipated. Developments in our days are already beginning. Everyone would prefer immediate solutions to their difficulties that we would do anything for the convenience of our lives. Hybrid and Remote work promotes better mental health, eliminating constant encounters with congested traffic, less stress, and spending.

A sudden yet impactful change has immensely affected effective working practices, which led to innovation towards a modern style of working that matches our needs, nature of work, and industry under certain conditions that the pandemic has caused.

Hybrid and Remote Work has introduced us to a creative way of being productive while outside a boring, robotic, office environment. Although obstacles are surfacing that leads to the different approach of advantages and disadvantages of modern working. It still has a long way to go to achieve the fullest potential of the new model of working.

Coworking Spaces

a view of the coworking space at weremote ortigas with a jose rizal mural, 2 long oak tables and multiple black ergonomic chairs with a view of the coworking lounge with colorful sofa chairs

Have you heard of Coworking Spaces? If you are unaware of it, then this is for you.

Coworking Spaces offer a different approach compared to traditional offices but in a fun and more productive alternative. I mean, would you want to work in a dull environment? or at your home constantly distracted while nothing is getting done? 

Coworking spaces open opportunities for Freelancers, Hybrid Workers, Remote Workers, Startup, and Small Business owners. Typically the types of people who seek productivity at a cost-efficient solution that a traditional office and working at home cannot provide. 

Now, we are sure why you’re here! We know that you are seeking transition solutions for your business to make your Hybrid and Remote Workers experience better or simply to make your employees enjoy their work.

5 Benefits of Coworking Spaces that could help ease the challenges of Hybrid and Remote Working.

1. Cost-efficient

Compared to a traditional office set up there would be demands from your employees when it comes to complimentary stuff like water, tea, or coffee. That would lead to extra expenses. Having the appropriate amenities to prevent them from burning out is also a factor when considering a proper operating environment. 

Coworking spaces these days like Weremote offer these extra expenses for free. This way, not only will you have access to cheaper rents for workspaces, but enjoy amazing amenities, free coffee, tea, and while working. Nothing beats unlimited coffee!

2. Increase Community and Network Reach

One of the most overlooked benefits is having a great reach of people. Building connections plays a significant role, especially for freelancers, professionals, and start-up business owners. Creating a chain of networks opens opportunities to make yourself known which can be beneficial for you eventually.

3. Collaboration Opportunities

Meet like-minded individuals that may contribute to your growth and development. Chances are, you might not all be in the same industry, but collaboration opportunities in the coworking space with different people within can help you grow further inside and outside the business that you are in.

Collaboration Opportunities in coworking spaces are like a tree; people are similar to the roots extending into an extensive connection, the collaboration is the trunk that solidifies partnerships in the coworking space, while the branches and the leaves are the boundless knowledge and learning you obtain from collaborating.

4. Enhanced Productivity

As we have mentioned earlier, working from home also has benefits. However, this does not prevent you from distractions such as a noisy dog, crying baby, or laundry you need to do. This is why Coworking Spaces were designed for a dedicated work-only environment for people like yourself to ease the workload and amp up your productivity to maintain focus.

5. Healthy Work-Life Relationship

Making sure there is food on the table, settling bills and debt, and securing a future for retirement. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance relationship is as important as your health and personal relationships. 

Coworking Spaces may support you with Work-Life Balance challenges by providing you a dedicated desk or office for the sole purpose of working, keeping you from distraction, and also helps you maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. Keeping yourself from burning out and making sure to deliver your 100% performance

Maintaining a relationship, intimately or friendship requires respect and taking care of difficulties. The same goes for your Work-life relationship. Valuing and respecting boundaries between work and personal life also impacts the maintenance of burnout, stress, and mental health. 

Now, after reading about coworking spaces, you are probably thinking of these benefits on how they can help you transition to the new models of working, make your work experience better, and make your life easier.

Weremote is built different, how and why we stand out.

Weremote is more than coworking spaces. We take care of our customers and assure only the best service to match our client demands. We will dissect why Weremote may be the best platform for your business and employees. 

Coworking spaces services around the globe have similar values of benefits that they intend to provide to their customers. They all offer collaborative spaces and productivity solutions for businesses looking to station their employees. 

But Weremote is not just your typical Coworking spaces platform. Weremote advocates for the convenience of access to office spaces on-demand. We promote to help businesses no matter how small or established, in transition to hybrid and remote work efficiently.

Flexible Plans for Hybrid Work and Remote Work

Weremote is currently running a Ber-Month promo for 11/11 that offers 1 month free when you avail a Private Office until Nov. 30 extended until Dec. 30, 2021. 

Our members can choose when to divide their time in hybrid work. Offering adaptable plans for our coworking spaces, dedicated desks, and private offices where they can access our facilities anytime they intend to. Wanting to work long hours in our facilities? Or do you prefer working divided hours throughout the week? We can adjust them for you.  

How about, if you fully work remotely, your home is not the ideal place for you to work in, or embarrassed to squeeze in your venti-sized coffee into 8 hours in a coffee shop? Maybe the library is too quiet and boring for you? No worries! We also got that covered.  

Our Private Office plan is perfect for workers who prefer privacy while working. If you want to network and socialize you can also work in the communal space or at a dedicated desk lease while enjoying our exclusive amenities. 

Virtual Office plan is also a practical solution for startups or small businesses who want to operate their business while working remotely or hybridly if they opt to hold a meeting in one of our meeting rooms. 

Amazing Amenities

Weremote is proud of the 24/7 Facilities that we have to offer for our clients. Our variety of plans allows access to our Amazing Amenities to which our members can enjoy anytime they desire as long as they are on our premises. 

Productive Rooms

Our Productive Rooms are fully equipped with all the necessities you require to do tasks to the best of your ability. We provide top-of-the-line equipment from our Recording StudioPhoto Studio, audiovisuals, projectors, printers, scanners, whiteboards to the slightest equipment like papers, erasers, writing materials. Our themed Meeting Rooms are fully equipped with all your essentials to conduct confidential conferences with your team. 

Our Coworking spaces vary from your demands. We offer customizable Private Offices for you or for your team with your branding. A dedicated desk perfect for an individual or a small group, flexible yet only for you for long as you need it.  

Free Stuff!

We also serve FREE COFFEE, tea, and water through our kitchen pantry to give our members the energy they deserve. Free parking for our members with vehicles that came a long way just to visit our coworking facility. 

A stationed clinic in our coworking spaces that can accommodate the basic needs, wellness, treatment, of our members in case of unexpected injuries or sudden pains that can be relieved with common medicines such as aspirins and paracetamols. 

We believe that to produce outstanding results, it may be a form of art, a website, a business idea, or a sales pitch; we should be performing at our best to achieve ambitious outcomes. Our Amazing Amenities includes a Gaming Lounge, which our members can enjoy to relax their minds and efficiently relieve burnouts. A Snug Room, a place where our members shut their eyes and comfort their fatigue after an exhausting brain drain.  

Shared Services

We go beyond just your typical coworking spaces. Weremote provides Human Resource services that handle legal compliances, payroll, accounting, and talent recruiting services. It can be quite expensive to acquire such services separately.  

Efficiently manage your time and reduce the workloads of your human resource managers, instead of wasting your time in long lines and go through the stress of processing these documents and let our shared services handle them for you. 

We offer legal solutions that mandate your employees and business compliances and only pay for a portion compared to outside prices, perfect for startups and small business owners looking for a cheap yet uncompromised alternative. 

Inspiring Interiors

Our workspace facilities are enclosed with inspiring interiors to stimulate the creativity and help aid imminent burnouts and fatigue of our freelancers and professionals. 

Environmental conditions are one of the overlooked factors when trying to be productive, I mean everyone would rather be in a space where they feel motivated and inspired rather than being surrounded by white façades that are tiring to the eyes.

A Safe Community for Coworkers Alike

Possessing a common ground of having a core value of respect present in the community. No matter who you are, what you do, or how you identify yourself, our coworking spaces community is a safe place to be in. Our community may be in different industries, but rest assured that we all share the common goal of working efficiently while collaborating on innovative ideas.  

Final Thoughts

The pandemic broke the habits we do every day that we thought would last forever. It is proved that nothing stays permanent and everything is temporary that even established systems can be changed in a blink of an eye. Flexible working has impacted our way of working and living in an advantageous way that we never expected and provided alternative solutions towards productivity, comfort, and mental wellness.  

We all have to agree on one thing; that Hybrid and Remote Work is the future, and it is here. 

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